He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. -Psalm 91 vs. 1-2

Rear Admiral, USN, Retired
Secretary and Director
Scott Moore retired in 2014 as a Navy Rear Admiral with over 30 years in Naval Special Warfare (NSW). A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, he received a cross commission into the Navy and immediately attended Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training. During his career, he led at every level of NSW, from SEAL platoon commander, to Commander of the Nation’s premier Counterterrorist Force, to Deputy Commander of Naval Special Warfare, where he was responsible for training and equipping his 7000-person force. He also commanded a 1500- person Joint Task Force in Afghanistan, which conducted over 2000 capture/kill missions against enemy leaders. His staff tours included; director of Counterterrorism on the National Security Staff, White House, directly briefing The President of the United States; as the Assistant Operations Officer for Counterterrorism, The Pentagon, where he advised the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff daily on counterterrorism operations; and as the Deputy Commander for Operations, Office of Defense Representative, Pakistan, where he coordinated NATO operations with Pakistani military leaders. He earned a master’s degree in National Security Studies at the Naval War College. At every level of Mr. Moore’s military career, he was known for his operational abilities, effective leadership and clear decision-making, having personally led numerous “national level” no-fail missions during some of our nation’s most critical strategic moments. Mr. Moore presently serves as CEO of the Karakoram Group, a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, which advises international clients on global security, leadership development and enterprise risk management issues.