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Retired SEAL

It's difficult to put into words what All Eagles Oscar has done for me and my family and how they have given my entire family hope to be whole again.  I have suffered from the effects of multiple TBIs. Like most retired SEALs, I thought my issues were normal and that it was ok to feel exhausted, never sleep more than 4 hours a night and be in physical pain 24/7.  

I had constant symptoms: Daily headaches, severe ortho pain, severe light sensitivity, tension headaches that radiated through my jaw, nausea, acid reflux,  shoulder joint pain,  arm nerve pain from shoulder to finger tips, lower back, right hip, both wrists, both knees, left leg siatic nerve, excessive sweating even without physical exertion, poor/no sleep, exhaustion, angry outbursts, severe anxiety, severe depression, poor concentration and memory loss.


I have seen dozens of Doctors, been provided bags full of medications and countless different therapies  None of these doctors, treatments or medications were effective in reducing any of my symptoms for more than a couple weeks of time.


I started treatment recommended by AEO  Within two weeks I was sleeping better, I was off all of my meds that I was on when I started treatment and I was starting to enjoy life again.  After the first month I was socializing with people again, I was able to work out for the first time in years and started to help my wife with the bills and our budget. I have a whole new lease on life. I can focus.  I feel good about myself.  I feel confident.  I laugh again.  Most importantly I can feel the love for and from my family again.


I owe everything All Eagles Oscar.  I have never met a group of people who truly are solely focused on helping  vets feel human again.  This couldn't happen without foundations like All Eagles Oscar.   Despite being all the way across the country, with a 3-hour time difference, a full time job and his own family to care for, Brandon Soleau took the time to call me at least every other day to chat and see how I was doing and offer encouragement.


 All Eagles Oscar is making a real difference in helping veterans get their lives back after years of combat that our country has never seen before and in a medical system, that despite going to great lengths, has been unable to help us previously.  As you can see, I'm walking proof of this and with your support we all can help vets get their lives back after sacrificing so much!


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All Eagles Oscar Foundation

Restoring Our Nation's Warriors & Their Families

501c3 Non-Profit Organization


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